
Her eyes drifted to the girl standing before her, embracing the man she loved, her Aadi.

The sight shattered her heart into a million pieces.

As Aadvik dismissed the girl, their gazes met, his grey eyes icy cold.

"Why are you doing this to me, Aadi ?" ,  she whispered, barely audible.

"What do you mean why? Did I ever question you about what you did to me? I don't recall ever doing so." , his response was frosty.

Are you taking the revenge, for what i did ? ” , her voice cracked up in the last

" Nah ,I'm not escaping anything, Ms. Dhriti Sharma . I'm not giving false hopes or breaking  promises, knowing how painful that can be." , He retorted .

"Aadi, please hear me out, just once. Please try to understand for once  " , Dhriti pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes .

" This is hopeless, Ms. Sharma .I've lost the will to try. You may leave  . we'll settle this in court." , His response was unforgiving .His harsh words cut through her like a knife.

Aadi , please! ” , she was about to continue but he cuts her off in between

" It's Mr. Chauhan for you  Dammit ! Stop calling me Aadi, because you destroyed your Aadi , you fucking destroyed the person I was three years ago when you abandoned me on that rainy night, leaving me alone with a ring , waiting for you  " ,His anger surged, causing her to shiver.

" Please, just hear me out, I can't keep living like this. I truly love you, Aadi, and I mean it. Why are you treating me like this? Our daughter is the only reason I have to keep going, atleast don't drag her into this mess. " ,she pleaded.

"You claim to love me, Ms. Sharma, but is that supposed to be humorous? Should I find it amusing ? " , he said with a chuckle, his voice cracking as he continued,

" You profess your love, yet you abandoned me. You say you love me, but never reached out. You love me, yet shattered my heart. And to add insult to injury, you never even told me about my own daughter."

" This is the extent of your love? Now listen to me, Ms. Sharma. I once loved you with every fiber of my being, but you destroyed my faith in love, in you, and even in  god .You didn't just break my heart that day , you turned me into a heartless monster. I despise you, I - I hat-Hate you , just go away." , He scoffed at her , His words left her reeling, as she realized the depth of his pain, caused by her actions, and she felt her knees weakening.

"Please Aadi , I know my past mistakes hurt you and broke your trust, but I promise to spend forever making it right. My decision was a grave error, and I'll work tirelessly to repair it. Just please, don't involve our child in this mess." ,  Dhriti  implored.

" You're the one who involved her, Ms. Sharma."  , Aadi's expression remained unyielding.

  " You kept her existence a secret from me. I'm sorry, but I won't be swayed. Your efforts are in vain. We can never go back to normal." , he replied softly.

Dhriti's  eyes searched for understanding, but Aadvik's gaze shifted away, unable to meet hers.

"Give up, Ms. Sharma . Your efforts will only lead to suffering. Don't subject yourself to this pain." , he said icily.

" Then let me suffer, let me bear the pain of your rejection. It's preferable to endure your hurt than to be loved by someone else. Allow me to feel this, at least. "  , she countered

" Perhaps this is my fate, but I'm unable to let you go so easily, Aadi. I've already lost you once; I won't lose you again. One day you'll comprehend everything, and I hope it won't lead to regret. I should leave now. I'll see you at the hearing. Rooh  must be waiting for me." , she said & left .

Aadvik's anger boiled over as he punched the wall, drawing blood from his knuckles, while his heart ached with every beat.

Dhriti's parting words still echoed in his mind, filling him with regret and confusion.

His impulsive decisions - filing for Rooh's custody and announcing his marriage in anger - now weighed heavily on his conscience, as the pain in Dhriti's eyes continued to haunt him, driving him to the brink of insanity, despite his attempts to numb the hurt he felt.

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Ritiii 🐚🦚

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Hey everyone it's Ritiii here . Just a simple person , finding happiness in all the little things . Thank-you for your love & support. Just keep it like this ❤️✨

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Ritiii 🐚🦚

✿⁠ कैसी पहेली जिंदगानी ✿✍🏻